Personal Projects


  • Google Digital Skills for Africa (Fundamentals of Digital Marketing) by Google. Certificate ID: VAE ZAC C7E
  • Mastering React Certificate by MOSH Coding Made Simple. Serial No.: cert_7rlnklfn
  • The Ultimate Redux Course Certificate by MOSH Coding Made Simple. Serial No.: cert_1why0qwf
  • 19.5 hours Data Structures + Algorithms (Master the coding interview) Certificate by Andrei Neagoie & Udemy. Certificate No.:UC-124490cd-a52e-427f-bfd5-43f3dbbecf89
  • 59hours Certificate on Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps [2020] by Maximilian Schwarzmuller & Udemy. Certificate No.: UC-ZYC72N5L
  • Certificate of participation for attending DHIS2 Academy offered by Health IT between 18th-22nd Dec 2017. Deputy Chief of Party Capacity building Dr. Daniel Orwa and Chief of party Prof. Peter W. Wagacha University of Nairobi.
  • CISCO Certified Network Associate Course from the Institute of Advanced Technology (IAT). Certificate No.: CCNA000122 (P)
  • ICDL Profile Module Certificate (Computer Modules) from ICDL Africa.